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Tag: virginia beach oceanfront

Feel the Rush of the Go-Karts at VB Motorworld This Winter

Just because there’s a chill in the air doesn’t mean the fun has to stop when visiting VB Motorworld this winter! The go-kart track is open and exhilarating even on cold winter days. Don’t let frosty temperatures put on the brakes for enjoying VB Motorworld’s fastest attraction.

Bundling up in coats, hats and gloves allows thrill-seekers both young and old to continue feeling the rush of racing around the go-kart circuit. The twists, turns and straightaways offer an adrenaline pumping experience as you battle to overtake other drivers. Go-karting outdoors in the winter provides a rush of speed and excitement that gets your heart pumping and warms you from head to toe.

Safety remains the top priority, with VB Motorworld staff ensuring proper protective gear is worn in the colder weather. Helmets keep heads warm while racing and customers are advised to wear gloves for steering. The pedals may feel cold at first, but your feet will heat up quickly with the exhilaration of speed.

The electric go-karts allow year-round racing that is just as smooth in winter as the warmer months. Their speed remains the same either way. The course itself is expertly maintained, with any snow accumulation promptly cleared so the only slipping and sliding is what you intentionally do around the corners!

While outdoor go-karting in winter may sound cold, the activity itself quickly warms up racers. The thrill of driving at high speeds gets blood pumping to fight off the chill in the air. You’ll be surprised at how much warmth and excitement is generated while zooming around the track.

Don’t let old man winter defeat you. Take a break from being stuck inside and feel the rush of VB Motorworld’s go-karts this season. The speed, adrenaline and competitive fun on the track make for a high-octane activity that thaws mind and body. Beat cabin fever and put pedal to the metal for an electrifying good time!

VB Motorworld’s Mesmerizing Pirate Themed Minigolf Course

Ahoy, me maties!

If you’re seeking an exhilarating escapade that combines the thrill of golf with the enchantment of a pirate’s life, look no further than VB Motorworld’s newly renovated 36-hole mini golf course. This extraordinary destination has undergone a stunning transformation, with the addition of pirate ships, mysterious caves, and mesmerizing waterfalls, ensuring an unforgettable adventure for all ages. So grab your putters, me mateys, and get ready to navigate your way through a nautical wonderland!

Pirate Ships

Prepare to set sail on an imaginative journey as you tee off amidst the awe-inspiring pirate ships scattered throughout the course. Each ship is intricately designed with attention to detail, allowing you to immerse yourself in the world of swashbuckling buccaneers. With masts soaring high into the sky and cannons ready to fire, these vessels add a touch of excitement and whimsy to your golfing experience.

Mysterious Caves

Venture into the heart of darkness as you navigate through the challenging caves that dot the course. Discover hidden treasures, encounter secret passageways, and traverse winding tunnels that will test your putting skills. The carefully crafted cave formations transport you to a mystical realm, where every twist and turn presents an opportunity for adventure. Illuminated by atmospheric lighting, these caves create an ambiance of mystery and intrigue.

Mesmerizing Waterfalls

Prepare to be captivated by the sight and sound of cascading waterfalls that adorn VB Motorworld’s mini golf course. These breathtaking natural wonders not only enhance the aesthetics of the course but also provide an immersive sensory experience. As you perfect your swing, you’ll be serenaded by the tranquil melody of trickling water, creating a serene and peaceful atmosphere that complements the thrill of the game.

Family-Friendly Fun

VB Motorworld’s newly renovated mini golf course is the perfect outing for families and friends seeking quality time together. The course offers varying difficulty levels, ensuring that both seasoned golfers and beginners can enjoy their golfing adventure. Whether you’re a young aspiring pirate or a seasoned captain, the enchanting setting and engaging challenges will keep everyone entertained and excited throughout their rounds.

Immerse Yourself in a World of Fantasy

At VB Motorworld’s mini golf course, you’re not just playing a game—you’re stepping into a world of fantasy and adventure. The meticulously designed pirate theme takes you on a whimsical journey where imagination reigns supreme. From the moment you set foot on the course, you’ll be transported to a place where pirates rule the land, and every hole offers a new and exciting discovery.


VB Motorworld’s newly renovated 36-hole mini golf course is a pirate lover’s dream come true. With its captivating pirate ships, mysterious caves, and mesmerizing waterfalls, this mini golf experience offers an unparalleled adventure for all ages. Whether you’re an avid golfer or simply seeking a fun-filled outing with family and friends, this course promises to leave you with cherished memories and an insatiable thirst for more pirate-themed exploits. So, don your tricorn hat, grab your putter, and set sail for an unforgettable golfing adventure at VB Motorworld’s extraordinary mini golf course!

All About Mini Golf – A Kids Favorite!

Miniature golf is famous for challenging players to hit balls through windmills, but it can be even more challenging to play an enjoyable round with your kids.  Putt-putt can try kids’ patience as well as their skill, and more than once I’ve witnessed fraught scenes of parents admonishing kids that “No, you’re not holding it right” or “Here, let me show you again”. While a few of these comments might have been welcome or helpful, it was obvious that a constant stream of them were creating frustration for parents and kids alike.

There are two courses at Disney World and a Google search for miniature golf in Orlando finds 12 more, so there’s a decent shot you might give it a try on your family’s Florida vacation. Here are my best tips for keeping it fun so that they’ll want to come back and play again next time.

Safety and Courtesy

Let’s start a rules discussion with the no-fun “no” stuff.  Much of the rest of what I’m going to tell you will be about how to modify or dispense with standard rules that aren’t working out, but there are some places where it’s worth standing your ground.

No “just one more try”. Most courses have a stroke limit per hole, usually five or six strokes. This is not only to keep your game from turning into a marathon experience that your kids will get bored with in the middle, but also to keep other players from having to wait … and wait … and wait … as they follow you through the course.

No swinging the putter. I don’t know if it’s human nature, but it seems like kids who are holding a putter they aren’t using on a ball right that minute have a tendency to swing it around. Unfortunately, that means a lot of unintended connections between the putter and the greens, the walls, and the fences, not to mention other players’ kneecaps.  To prevent damage to the putters and the surroundings, our family rule was that the head of the putter couldn’t be higher than your knees — and multiple infractions could result in having to sit out the next hole.

Rules? What Rules?

Many courses have a posted sign, or perhaps an area on the back of the scorecard, listing The Rules.  Does that mean that these are the rules you and your family need to play by? I’ll borrow from our famous Saturday Six blogger: Nay Nay. Mini golf is one of my family’s core vacation activities, and here are a variety of “extra” rules we’ve used over the years to bridge the gap between our desire to play and our kids’ readiness to play grownup-style with us.

1. Kids are allowed to use their hands, including picking up the ball and putting it in the cup. I already talked about the six-stroke limit; kids who are routinely using all six strokes and still can’t get it in can get pretty frustrated. This frustration usually doesn’t come from the high score, but from having failed to “finish” by getting it in the cup.  Putting the ball in the hole with their hands after six strokes is often all that’s needed to keep everyone happy.  It’s not only kids who’ve taken six strokes though; some kids are just “done” with the hole after two or three strokes, and want to put the ball in and move on.  Some kids want to push it in with their hands if it’s close enough, to avoid that painful experience of taking the short putt and watching it totally miss.

2. Kids can hit their balls again before they stop rolling. I don’t know why some kids are so enamored of playing polo-style, but as long as they’re willing to agree that every time they hit the ball it counts towards their six-stroke limit, is it really worth arguing about? For kids who don’t default to this mode, it can still help them reach the green on holes where it’s up a steep hill or the ball has a tendency to roll back to the tee.

3. Kids can piggyback an adult’s tee shot. This is another great option for kids who have trouble getting to the green. A grownup shoots to the green, and the kid places their ball near to where the shot ended up.  There are some fun opportunities for creative team play here if you’ve got equal numbers of kids and adults.

4. Kids (and grownups) can play the entire hole straight through. Standard play is that everyone hits to the green, and then everyone putts. We’ve often found that it’s faster for everyone to just play through the entire hole one at a time.  A bonus is that if the course isn’t crowded, part of the group can advance to the next hole and everyone does less waiting.  If there are two adults we like to have one go first and the other go last.

5. Kids get a re-do, one per hole. Sometimes it’s all about where the ball ended up. It was two inches from the hole, it looked like an easy putt, and somehow things went horribly awry. Now it’s two feet away and in the water hazard to boot.  Just let them put it back and try again.  As kids get older and more capable you can change this to a fixed number of shots for the whole course instead of one per hole.

6. Kids can tell you their score. No, I’m not talking about whether they can open their mouths and pronounce the word “four”, I mean that they can literally tell you what to write on the scorecard. I mean really, they hit the ball a second time while it was still rolling towards the green, took a free re-do after it ended up on the wrong side of the rock, and eventually just tapped it in with their foot.  Winning and losing are already kind of meaningless because they skipped hole 5 after whacking the bench at hole 4 twice with their putter. If they want to say they got a two on this hole, you’re really going to argue with them about the number? Many kids are happy to dispense with scoring completely, but for those who want to be like the grownups and write down their scores, just let them make it up.

Transitioning to Grownup Play

We used all of the above rules when my kids were younger, but now that they’re teenagers they play like regular adults. So how to get from here to there?  An obvious approach is to put in an age-based cutoff, but we took a different tactic: bribery.  Our rule was: if you could beat Mom you got an extra topping on your post-game ice cream — but you had to play straight to win it, using (mostly) the same rules as Mom. We did still give them a handicap to make it fair shakes, but this strategy gave them control over when they felt up to the challenge of playing like a grownup.

Experience The Thrill and Fun of Go-Karting This Spring!

What is a Go Kart?

A Go Kart is a fun and affordable way to learn and enjoy the sport of go karting. This sport, also called go-karting, is a fast-paced and thrilling form of racing that involves driving a large wheeled vehicle (think: race car) through multiple courses in an attempt to finish with the most points possible. Depending on the size of your budget and your desire to compete, you can have the best time of your life on a Go Kart.
There are various types of Go Karts you can ride with different engines and karts (like BMWs or Ferrari’s). But there is one thing they all have in common: they are all great fun!
You can choose between two main types of karts: open-wheel (with no steering wheel) or closed-wheel (with steering wheel). If you want to get into open-wheel karts, we suggest either renting or buying a class 3 kart. These will be fun for beginners. And there are plenty of them nearby; many public parks also have classes 3 and 4 karts available for rent. For those who want to focus more on driving skills, you should try renting closed-wheel karts. Class 3 closed-wheel cars typically run about $200 per hour (rental prices vary depending on the type) for a higher quality machine that can handle rough roads like gravel and sand.
If you’re interested in having the best experience possible, we recommend trying out open-wheel karts. They will take some practice to master… but it’s worth it! The thrill is unmatched by any other form of racing or driving!

Racing Tips

The majority of people believe that a go kart is a type of car with wheels. It is actually an inexpensive motorized toy.
Go karts are small cars that come in many different styles, ranging from mini-go karts that can be ridden by children to high-tech motorcycles with massive engines. These vehicles are not only fun to drive, but also great fun to ride!
In the beginning days of go karting in the United States, it was driven on a set track. The track included many turns and bumps over which you had to steer the vehicle. When it came time for racing, the go karts were modified for racing purposes. Today you will find models that are modified to meet race specifications and racing equipment such as air conditioning, brakes, and tires that can improve your driving skills.
The green lines on the track indicate a turn or a bump on which you must steer your vehicle. The red lines show how far ahead you must be before you can change lanes or pass another vehicle and start your turn again. The white lines indicate where you can brake as well as where you can accelerate through turns by applying more power than normal at certain points along the track.
These rules allow you to have fun while gaining valuable experience while learning how to handle these vehicles at high speeds and in challenging situations when racing against other drivers who have comparable skill levels and experience; or even other competitors who have been racing for years!

How to Choose the Best Go Kart for You

The term “Go Kart” is used to refer to a variety of different kinds of multi-wheeled vehicles. From the simple karts that use gears and tracks to high-performance machines that feature the latest in technology and power.
It all comes down to what you want in a go kart. You’ll find a wide range of choices, so narrowing down which one best meets your needs is important.
So, how can you choose the best go kart for you?
There are several different types of go karts, but here’s a list of some key features to consider:

How many people can fit in your go kart?

Let’s start with this important factor because it will determine how much room there is for everyone to fit comfortably . Compact go karts are great for families, especially if one person is tall enough to stand up in the seat without needing help from others. If you’re planning on having friends or family join you for your first ride, consider buying two or three smaller models so they can have their own space in the car.

What weight class do you take?

Go karts come in five different weight classes : 50cc, 125cc/150cc/250cc/350cc/400cc (depending on what model bike you have). All of these classes are designed for riders who weigh between 40 and 100 pounds or more while still fitting into their seat comfortably . Weight classes allow riders to choose which level of performance they want while still having room enough to accommodate the entire family (or friends) comfortably .

Can I add accessories like fuel tanks or seats?

It may seem silly at first, but adding an accessory like a fuel tank or seat can make a huge difference when it comes time for an outing . Do you plan on taking your two children out on the same day? Maybe it would be best if only one child rode as there would be less people riding and less room available for them both (unless they were infants!). A standard noisier model might not be ideal as this would defeat the purpose of going out with friends; however, if it’s just your teenage son and he wants to ride after his homework is over then perhaps purchasing him a lightened model might alleviate some pressure off him during his ride when he’s tired from his homework (and tired from riding).

How to Choose the Right Track for Your Go Karting Experience

Go Karts have been around since the 1950s. There are different types of Go Karts, but they all have the same basic idea — which is to have a lot of fun with your friends. The concept is simple and enjoyable.
The challenge is that when you buy a Go Kart, you do not know what type of track you are going to get. You may get a track that is too short, or too long, or just right for your kids. Often there are no reviews about the track on the internet. If that’s the case for you, then it can be quite difficult to choose from all of the great options out there.
Go Karts can be quite expensive so it’s important to ask lots of questions before you buy one. In this article we will go over some tips for selecting a track for your Go Karting experience when purchasing one online or at an amusement park.
The first thing to consider when choosing a track for your Go Karting experience is what type of Go Karting experience you want to have — speed racing, time racing or going around on an oval? There are also three different types of tracks available: either dirt tracks or asphalt tracks and then other types such as grass tracks and water tracks.
And most importantly — if it looks like it will be fun! Because let’s face it — these types of tracks aren’t cheap to build! They also require some maintenance and upkeep in order to keep them running smoothly whilst being safe and enjoyable for riders at all times. If they aren’t fun enough then they won’t be worth spending money on!

How To Race Fair & Square – Go-Kart Racing Etiquette

Racing Etiquette

Outdoor Go Karting is a sport in which you ride on a go kart and compete against others. There are different types of outdoor go karts, but they all have similar riding characteristics. A lot of people think that the rider controls the go kart with his or her body, but that isn’t really the case. The rider controls the throttle, which is why this sport is called “track and field” for racing purposes.
A good rule of thumb when it comes to etiquette:
Keep your eyes open for other bikes
  • When you’re racing, look out for other riders and try not to run into them. Riders in groups are at an advantage when it comes to speed and maneuverability. If you can avoid them, do so.
  • You should never stop or slow down towards other riders because this could lead to an accident being in your favor.
  • You shouldn’t cross over other riders because doing so could possibly result in an accident happening to you too (this doesn’t happen very often). Your risk tolerance should be higher than theirs because most accidents don’t end well for other riders.
If something happens before you reach their side of the track, don’t panic! Look around carefully and find out what happened! To make things easier for yourself if this does happen, please make sure your brake is fully extended so you can stop safely if necessary before hitting a group member… otherwise you might hurt yourself then! 😛 Be careful out there! Don’t be rude or rough around the edges either… I don’t want anyone getting hurt just because they aren’t paying attention while I am running around on my go kart! 🙂